Nissan Drivers Guide ME


Auto & Vehicles


The application is available for all the following countries:UNITED ARAB EMIRATESQATARBAHRAINKUWAITOMANThe Nissan Driver’s Guide Middle East is an application based on Augmented Reality Technology. Itincludes an electronic version of the printed Quick Reference Guide that you can find in the glovebox of your vehicle.When you want detailed information about a particular button or switch, you simply point thecamera of your smartphone at that object or area containing the object. An interactive pop upappears on the screen of your phone and with a simple touch you are quickly provided with theinformation you require.The application is available for all the following vehicles:NISSAN MAXIMANISSAN ALTIMANISSAN KICKSNISSAN PATROLThe application provides the following features:1. An Augmented Reality function that recognizes vehicle content through the camera of yoursmartphone. This technology interacts with 4 main areas of the vehicle:Centre consoleSteering controlsDoors/seats/roofOthers2. Descriptions of all the warning lights and warning messages displayed on the vehicle’scombination meter.3. An electronic version of the Quick Reference Guide, providing a brief overview of many importantfeatures of the vehicle, including instructions to follow if your vehicle has a flat tyre.Other features are also available in the Nissan Drivers Guide:Dealer locatorNissan Genuine AccessoriesIn case of emergencySearchNOTE:Only use this application when the vehicle is stationary.This application does not replace the Owner’s Manual supplied with the vehicle.AUGMENTED REALITY INFOPoint the camera of your Smartphone at a specific area containing the object.Interactive pop ups will appear on the screen of your phone.Touch the desired pop up and an appropriate description will be displayed on the screen.To obtain information about another element or control, press the BACK button. To refresh thescreen, tap on the display. The pop ups will clear and you can point your Smartphone camera at anew object.TO TAKE THE BEST ADVANTAGE OF THE AUGMENTED REALITYUse the application when there is sufficient natural light.To obtain the best results, make sure you position the camera in front of the selected object, andcheck that your camera’s screen display is as clear and well-focused as possible.Always focus the camera on the complete button area or object in your vehicle.If the camera does not immediately recognize the object, please move the phone and try from adifferent angle and/or distance.The App is making use of the camera on your smartphone, which is intended for use under optimumlight conditions. For this reason, it is possible that the App may have difficulty recognizing certaincontrols under unfavourable light conditions.The augmented reality technology may not work correctly if light is reflecting off the surface of thedashboard, or directly into the lens of your smartphone camera.